Appliances 101 - Food Processor

I know a lot of people scoff at the thought of owning a food processor. Most often times I hear 'what do you do with it?', or people with one say 'I don't make pie dough.' I will readily admit that a food processor is not an appliance for the casual cook, unless you are a baker. I use my food processor almost daily and have found great uses outside of the normal functions.
I purchased the KitchenAid Pro-Line Food Processor after having their small model and loving its' functionality and ease of cleaning. I have used the Cuisinart and still do not care for its' top cap functionality. The KitchenAid also has the largest work bowl on the market - 16 cups, compared to Cuisinart's 14 cup. The larger work bowl has an inner bowl (outside of the smaller work bowl/blade) so when you are done shredding or slicing, you slide out the inner bowl and do not need to clean the larger work bowl. I find that convenient.
I recognize that a food processor is not a small investment, especially this model, but if you are in the market for one then I would highly suggest it. I have had no problems with it. Remember, do not put the bowl in the dishwasher though, I learned that lesson hard as food particles will attach themselves in the handle and you will not be able to get them out.
To start out with though, let me cover some other common uses outside of pie dough. Scones are a breeze and mincing a large amount of celery or mushrooms. If I am ever making some type of dish with ground pork, I put the cooked pork in and pulse it to break up the meat more as I do not care for the large chunks and it is hard to break them up with a wooden spoon or spatula. I also use the blade attachment for chocolate recipes as I buy my chocolate in 10 lb. bars and it is easier to chop it in the food processor.
I use my food processor with the grate attachment to grate up carrots for carrot cake or to shred zucchini for muffins or savory pancakes. My food processor came with a smaller work bowl which I use for pestos or dressings that need emulsification.

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