Faux Bois [foh-bwah] Cookies

I was testing out a new sugar cookie recipe that was infused with nutmeg. The smell of nutmeg is comforting and the wood-looking exterior of nutmeg inspired me. I ran across pottery mats that imprint a design onto clay which I transferred onto cookie dough. One of the mats had a wood grain on it, which feeds my appreciation for all things faux bois. I decided to use cutters that would be reminiscent of wood, i.e. leaves, trees and the house. I get thrown back to every time I see faux bois as I think it may make me nostalgic about the faux wood-grain paneling my father installed around our home becuase wallpaper was too expensive. Either way, the effect it made on the cookies lends a touch of sophistication without the hit to your wallet.  Here is used my Vanilla-Bean Sugar cookie recipe

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