Birding - Bird seed

So I readily admit that when I saw the commercial for this, I though 'hmmm, this is a marketing snafoo, that can't happen.' How could a bird seed actually attract twice as many colorful birds? Then, the thought left my head as I began to think about homemade croissants.

A couple of days later I was at Home Depot and walked by this very product and decided since I am a major media influence, I was going to buy some and show the world this was a sham. I actually think I had a smirk on my face when I loaded up the bird feeders that evening, wondering how long it was going to take for this to work - if it worked.

To my amazement, the next morning I had more finches at my window than I had ever seen before. The cardinals were next followed by an indigo bunting, which I had never seen before. And I also realized a couple of days later - no blackbirds or starlings hanging around. Not only did I not spend an arm and a leg on this seed mix, but I am not feeding four and twenty blackbirds.

I highly recommend this, and I have seen it readily available since my intial deviant purchase. Scotts - I stand corrected, you do have a fantastic bird seed mix.

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