Simple Syrup

They do not call this simple for no reason, it really is simple. 50% water and 50% sugar, brought to a boil and the heat turned off. The usual ratio is 1 cup of each, but depending on the ocassion you may want to double it. If you do not want it that sweet, adjust it to 2/3 water - 1/3 sugar.
The beauty of simple syrup is the diversity. You can add virtually any herb, zest or spice to it to infuse it with flavor. Think of the flavors of your menu or what goes with the particular citrus you are adding the syrup for inspiration. There are no rules, just experiment. Delicate flavors such as saffron, lavender or vanilla should be added after you turn the heat off so you keep as much of the essence as possible.
Use a plain simple syrup mixed with a 50/50 ratio of lemon juice and you have the best sour for any cocktail combination. You can also adjust your lemon juice ratio to 50/50 lemon and lime to add more depth - the choice REALLY is yours!

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