Strawberry Pot Garden

It is the season to get your herbs growing! Not everyone has the room for a garden, and sometimes your garden is a far walk away from your kitchen. I started growing herbs in a strawberry pot over a decade ago when I was married and we had no area for a garden. I find this technique quite useful because it allows me to actually bring it in when the growing season come to an end and we have a frost advisory. I also bring it in at the end to extend the growing season allowing me to use the herbs in canning.

I generally put the herbs I use most in the top. Basil, chives, parsley and rosemary get a lot of press at my house. At this point, I have two strawberry pots dedicated to herbs. Herbs I grow every year are thyme, tarragon, lavendar, sage and mint. Putting mint in a pot like this controls it's vorracious habit to want to take over your lawn.

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