Yes to Beaba

So I have to admit, I am a really hard sell when a new gadget or appliance comes out. After investing a lot into what I consider to be a well-equipped kitchen, it is difficult to find value in something unless you are replacing - which when you purchase quality kitchen items, you should rarely ever have to do.
So when I was approached about this Beaba machine I was very skeptical. I am a parent and I remember not having a vast amount of time with a baby/toddler to even think about steaming vegetables, pureeing them and packaging them. I had to chase the thought away because I was already filled with anxiety about being a parent, let alone preparing my own baby food.

Well, I am not going to be having any more off spring but I figured I would give this Beaba a test run to see if I was having a baby and living a normal life, i.e. hectic schedule, etc. - could this fit into my life and do what I wanted it to AND help me control what goes into my children's diets.

I am pleased to say that this is a fantastic investment. I found incredible value in this device and would tell anyone that is going to have children to get one. In the last two hours while I have been up, not only have I made my morning coffee and started making a country hash my 13-year-old daughter loves, I have also made pureed carrots, applesauce and a vegetable sausage medley all in that timeframe. The Beaba is amazing. I see this as a lean, mean-green machine.

Carrots - no salt, just steam and puree. I used all of the steaming liquid to get this consistency. The taste is 10X better than a jar and you can actually tell texture-wise that you child is going to get some of that necessary fiber they need even in this form.
Applesauce - cut and core the apples, no need to peel there are vitamins there. Steam and puree. Who knew it was this quick and easy!Vegetable Sausage Medley - One yukon gold potato, some green beans and corn and a dash of smoked country sausage. Steam and use all the liquid to puree into fine mixture - it is fantastic!
At $140, it is no small investment - but it is a WISE investment nonetheless. No more buying all those jars and then having them clutter up your garbage or thinking 'why is there not more selection?' You control it all, and the menu is limitless because you are the head chef.

You can purchase this machine at Williams-Sonoma online or at one of their many stores.

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