Turkey 101 - Frozen Turkey Tips

Frozen birds require advanced planning to defrost, so with a little planning you can do it right.

First and foremost, NEVER defrost a turkey at room temperature. Allow enough time for the turkey to thaw in the refrigerator. It takes a full 24 hours to defrost every 5 pounds of turkey in a refrigerator.

If you are in a rush, a second best option is to defrost the turkey i a large sink of cold water, allowing 30 minutes per pound, changing the water often. This can be done via a laundry tub sink if your turkey is large. Change the water and turning the turkey often. Do not add warm water to hasten the process to avoid any type of contamination.

Also, do not defrost your turkey in the microwave. Some parts of the turkey will most surely cook while other parts are still defrosting.

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